The Bismarck Tribune: “Pope’s Document Still Rings True”


(Originally posted by the Bismarck Tribune on July 21, 2018)

Humanae Vitae Still Rings True

Fifty years ago Pope Paul VI issued a document called Humanae Vitae (of human life) and his predictions have been sadly proven to be right.

In many ways the pope could not have foreseen the destruction it would have on the family. In section 17 of the document he predicted a “general lowering” of moral standards and a loss of respect for women. In 2018 we see pornography is rampant and divorce, cohabitation and fatherless homes are the norm.

The U.S. did not start liberating the abortion laws until the sexual revolution was in full swing. We can now call abortion (at nearly 3,000 daily) the worst “lowering” standard of all. He also warned of governments that would force birth control, abortion and involuntary sterilizations on their women. In the 1990s some U.S. judges backed state-imposed implantation of long-term contraception for women convicted of crimes.

There is a free movie coming to Bismarck that exposes all of this and is a must see. It is called “Sexual Revolution.” You must register to get your free ticket. The movie is at 5 p.m., 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. on July 25 at Grand Theatres. Go to or call Pam at 701-204-7185. Pope Paul VI will be canonized a saint on Oct. 14 of this year.

Virginia Dolajak, Bismarck

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