“Beautiful and powerful documentary with a message desperately needed for our time.”
–Colin Nykaza
Director of Young Adult Outreach
Archdiocese of New York
"The film has a message that must be heard. I urge you to show the film as a great way of educating people of the harms of contraception and the sexual revolution it spawned.”
—Dr. Janet Smith
Professor of Moral Theology at Sacred Heart Seminary
Pontifical Council for the Family, Holy See
“With expert commentary from Catholic scientists, theologians, and philosophers, this beautiful film is a must-see for anyone interested in Humanae Vitae and NFP.”
—Edward J. Burns, Bishop of Dallas
“The documentary will impact people deeply. It shows the prophetic nature of the Church's teaching on human sexuality! It will challenge many. I think it has the power to change lives.”
–Jake Samour
Director, Office of Marriage and Family Life
Catholic Diocese of Wichita
“A refreshing approach to the crisis of sexual morality facing our society. The impressive cinematography and musical score, including songs by Alana herself, make the topic accessible to a wide range of audiences. “Sexual Revolution: 50 years after Humanae Vitae” is a beautifully executed documentary with a clear message and definitely worth the watch.”
“[Sexual Revolution] brings in familiar specialists for accounts of what happened, follows timelines connected to key players, and brings to light results with concise and priceless insights.”
–National Catholic Register
“The most life changing and informative story about the evolution of the contraceptive pill and the Billings NFP method. As a Pro Life Napro Technology trained OB/GYN I enjoyed every moment of it!”
–Monique Ruberu MD, FACOG
Author of “Rising with Roses: A Story of Renewal and Lessons Learned”
"This film should be shown not only in every diocese but in every church and every denomination. Many of the young adults have no idea about the history of the Sexual Revolutions and all its empty promises and without this knowledge they are set up to make the same mistakes. The movie gently teaches and stirs the soul to think or rethink God's plan for love and life. High school, college and viewers older will be able to leave better educated and empowered by the truth of the Gospel. It makes one proud to be Catholic and willing to stand up for the truth because it is the loving thing to do.”
–Kathy Schmugge
Director of the Office of Family Life
Diocese of Charlston
"A must see!"
–The Bismarck Tribune
“This film is a clear exposition of the dark origins of the Pill, as well as its bright humanitarian alternative, the Billings Ovulation method, which kicked off an era of natural family planning. Catholics will find here a treasure of voices, historical film footage, and visual images to help heal our culture of its birth control wounds.”
–Ana Samuel, PhD
Academic Director, Canavox